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My garden

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I had a garden of white roses; for years I tended it, fertilized every rose. In the process, I planted red, pink, yellow, and even violet roses.

Eventually I planted begonias, sunflowers, each sprout was a unique event,
a hope unlike any other bud my garden could give me.

The best years of my life I left in my garden, in my blue roses, in my peculiar lilies, in my gardenias.

After seven wonderful years, my garden fell ill, the beautiful ones at eleven o’clock were the first to succumb, I didn’t have much faith in them but they were my tiny flowers.

One day of pale colors, I saw sadness in my white roses, sadness that spread to the blue and yellow ones, even the sunflowers lost their brightness…

Aphids, pests, weather and even larvae attacked,
so I went from having the most beautiful place I could grow,
to having a desolate, gloomy, depressed panorama…

Today the garden does not exist, the soil was contaminated, they spilled oils, garbage…. They burned it!

Today I plant in pots, I have few white flowers, one blue flower, no begonia, all the lilies died, but I still have the hope of returning to that idyllic place, the waters always return to their course.


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